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"It's the gospel truth." How many times we've heard someone use this expression to emphasize how truthful something they're telling us is. And yet, sadly, what God has made clear to us as the gospel truth is commonly treated as something far from the truth.

It seems to me that the saying, "Truth is stranger than fiction," is never more applicable than it is to our natural reaction to the gospel. By nature we rebel against the dogmatic message of God's gospel about His Son.

Now I realize that the expression about truth being stranger than fiction refers to circumstances, and that I'm using it to express the prejudicial view against the truth we all bristle with before we discover the precious bias of God for the gospel.

But when the Spirit of Truth using the Word of Truth convinces us that Jesus is the Truth, we swing over to God's side and agree wholeheartedly with the dogmatism of the gospel. By the persuasive influence of God's Spirit and a new birth produced in us by Him we find out that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, and that no one comes to God except through Him.

In fact we realize that by a decisive step of personal faith in Jesus Christ we have come into a salvation relationship with God through Jesus by faith.


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